Back to School Sale!

We understand how hectic Back To School season can get and oftentimes, with everything on our checklist, the last thing anyone is thinking about is their bedding essentials!
Well we have got you covered! New Season Tex is offering a Back to School sale on the perfect comfort products for you to give your children this September and best of all, get it delivered right to your doorstep! We carefully selected the best durable products that are low maintenance which is perfect for the busy semester ahead.
Getting a good night's sleep is essential to performing well in school and with the scratchy sheets and overused pillows the schools provide, you're better off investing in some high quality ones that won’t just get you through one year but the years ahead!
This year New Season Tex wants to make the transition easier especially with everyone being home with lockdowns the past few years. Our products are perfect for those that have no bedding products or are looking for a fresh start!
Get affordable pricing and high quality with New Season’s Back to School Sale: offer ends on August 28, so HURRY!!