Letter to customers: Our role and responsibility in navigating COVID-19
The globe is coping with a problem of enormous scope and human consequence, and our hearts go out to everyone who has been impacted by the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19).
New Season believes it is our obligation and responsibility to emphasize two things during this time: our customers' and partners' health and well-being and play a constructive role in assisting local health officials and government leaders in their efforts to limit the virus. We will continue to make judgments with diligence and courage, guided by Our Mission and Values and informed by the most up-to-date science-based knowledge.
I wanted to personally reach out to you to provide you with an update on the steps New Season is taking to prevent the virus from spreading and promote the health and well-being of our customers, partners (workers), and communities.
In response to the growing public health threat, you may be aware that we've taken several preventive measures, including heightened cleaning and sanitizing procedures in our stores and warehouses.
As we navigate this time together, we appreciate your understanding that your New Season Experience may appear different as a customer. At the same time, we continue to operate as usual across the United States and Canada.
Thank you for being so supportive. We intend to be open and honest, offering the most up-to-date information.
We are privileged to serve you and the community.
Shakil Ahmad
CEO, New Season
New Season believes it is our obligation and responsibility to emphasize two things during this time: our customers' and partners' health and well-being and play a constructive role in assisting local health officials and government leaders in their efforts to limit the virus. We will continue to make judgments with diligence and courage, guided by Our Mission and Values and informed by the most up-to-date science-based knowledge.
I wanted to personally reach out to you to provide you with an update on the steps New Season is taking to prevent the virus from spreading and promote the health and well-being of our customers, partners (workers), and communities.
In response to the growing public health threat, you may be aware that we've taken several preventive measures, including heightened cleaning and sanitizing procedures in our stores and warehouses.
As we navigate this time together, we appreciate your understanding that your New Season Experience may appear different as a customer. At the same time, we continue to operate as usual across the United States and Canada.
Thank you for being so supportive. We intend to be open and honest, offering the most up-to-date information.
We are privileged to serve you and the community.
Shakil Ahmad
CEO, New Season
Ansam Al-Neaimy Info@Fivesavelife.org said:
Five Save Life is. Nonprofit organization supporting single parents in Ontario
We would like to thank Seasntex and Namal for generous donation to our clients
Wonderful business owners like you makes facing hard times is easier to handle.
Thank you